President Obama inherited a terrible economic crisis and while we still have a ways to go, we are moving in a positive direction. Over the next four years, Obama has made a commitment to continue us down a steady road of growth.
Obama supports stimulus spending as a way to help grow the economy. He passed one round of stimulus spending which independent analysts say helped to create jobs. Unfortunately, the Republicans blocked the passage of a second one.
He developed a bailout plan for the auto industry which helped to put them back on firm footing.
He passed health care reform which will allow all Americans access to health care without worrying about a preexisting condition or that they will go bankrupt because of high medical bills. Is it perfect? No. But Romney says he will repeal and replace it by not including universal care for everybody. For millions of Americans without health care, that is replacement we can't afford to make.
Republicans talk about government intrusion, but they're all for it if it satisfies their social ideology. In contrast, Obama supports a woman's right to choose and the right for people of the same gender to marry if they choose. Obama also ended the ban on homosexuals serving in our military. He stood up for equal rights and will continue to do so over the next 4 years.
Let's look at the budget. Romney promises to cut taxes, cut the deficit, while also raising the defense budget. I believe, along with other independent analysts, that he is making a promise he can't keep. Do we really want to trust him and hope the numbers add up later? In contrast, Obama's plan calls for keeping taxes low for American families making under $250,000 a year. And his goal in asking the wealthy to pay more is to say, "You have been blessed. Why not return some of that blessing. Help your fellow Americans who are struggling and help us pay off our debt and invest in crucial programs and infrastructure."
Speaking of helping Americans, Obama proposes closing the loophole that allows companies to ship jobs overseas and get a tax deduction for it. He wants to focus on creating jobs here in America. And for women, he supports equal pay for equal work which is why he passed the Lilly Ledbetter Act so that women can receive the equal pay that they deserve.
On defense, Obama came into office promising to end the War in Iraq and he did. In Afghanistan, he advocated a troop surge so we can win this war, stabilize the country, and train the Afghans to take over security. We have done this and our troops will leave by 2014. And finally, he ordered the strike that killed Osama bin Laden. He did all of this while working with leaders throughout the world. He worked hard to bring respect back again to America. In Obama's view, Romney would return to a policy much like George W. Bush, siding more with military intervention than diplomacy.
On education, Obama supports the Federal Government being a partner with the States. He supports charter schools and has also awarded states billions of dollars through "Race to the Top" competitions. He supports hiring 100,000 new math and science teachers over the next 10 years so that our students can be competitive in the world economy.
On the environment, Obama achieved the first-ever regulations on heat-trapping gases that lead to climate change. He supported increases in fuel economy standards that can save money at the pump. And finally, he achieved the first-ever regulations on toxic mercury pollution from power plants. These are all things Romney says he doesn't support. Do we really want to go backwards on protecting the environment?
On illegal immigration, Obama has remained tough on enforcing our border, deporting a record number of dangerous criminals while saying, if you were brought to America while you were a child through no fault of your own and are going to school and doing what you need to do, we should support you with a permit to be able to work and not fear deportation. We are a nation of laws but we are also a nation of compassion.
Vote for President Obama so that over the next four years, we can continue our path toward job creation, universal health care, environmental protection, and greater equality for all Americans.
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